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Hello all :) I am looking for pretty much any and all kinds of forging tools to build up a workshop. Right now I can't afford big tools, though I hope to acquire a power hammer sometime in the near future. So mostly I'm looking for hammers, chisels, tongs, top and bottom tools, swage tools, anvils, jigs, stuff like that. Ideally I would love to find someone who is "retiring" or significantly downsizing so I could pick up a bunch of things at once. Obviously I'll try to come to tailgate sales and such, but I thought I'd put the word out here as well. Thanks, happy forging!
will have a " load" @ Colusa western days April fist and second Colusa fairgrounds
John 707 529 7535 Thanx !
Thanks for the suggestions, Colusa is a bit far for me, and I do already have an anvil, but I'm still looking for other tools! Tongs, a swage block, chisels, fly press, fullering tools, scroll jigs, etc...
Champuon 400; comtact me at biofeeder@yahoo.com
California Blacksmith Association
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Richmond, CA 94804
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