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Level II Grille Tutorials: Session 3 - CBA EVENT

  • January 19, 2023
  • Online live streaming via Zoom
  • 24


  • January 19, 2023
    Level II Core Skills: Scrolls and Collars
  • January 19, 2023
    Level II Core Skills: Scrolls and Collars

Registration is closed

Level II Grille Tutorials: Session 3

Level II Core Skills: Scrolls and Collars

INSTRUCTORS:  Frank Anninghofer and John Williams

DATE : January 19th, 2023 

TIME: 5:30 - 7:30 pm Pacific Coast Time

EXPERIENCE: This class is best suited for the advancing student that has completed or is close to completing Level I or the equivalent.   

LOCATION: Online live streaming via Zoom - Login and password will be provided once you have registered.

CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: Victoria Ritter 916-947-1388 or email

PRICING: $20/CBA members; $40/non-members (cap at 40)

PRICING WITH COACHING SESSION: $25 members only (add $5 to Member price) If you want some feedback or would like to trouble shoot ideas sign up for a Coaching Session.  These informal, no set agenda, driven by your needs, questions and goals support groups are the answer!  One 1.5-2 hour session for just a $5 more.  

REGISTRATION: Register here (online). Registration will be opened soon.

  •  35 participants maximum
  •  Registration cutoff date is 18 January 2023
  •  Instructions for Zoom access to this meeting will be sent to all registrants.

Frank Annighofer (CBA III/National Instructor) will guide you through the world of scrolls. You will learn something about the origin of scrolls (incl. a level 2 grille from 1765) and how to design your own scrolls. The main part then will show you in detail how to produce the various scrolls required for the level 2 grille. Story board pictures and videos will teach you how to make ribbon, fishtail, snub-end, halfpenny, and beveled leaf scrolls. An easy to make scroll form and historic scroll pictures will round off the presentation. 

John Williams (CBA III/National Instructor) will present the basics of forging and applying collars. Collars are a way of joining two pieces of metal together and can be functional and/or serve as decorative elements. For the Level II Grille, students are required to join their scrolls together with collars and have the option of joining their scrolls to the frame with even more collars. Students have the choice of doing a simple wrapped collar or something more complex. John will walk us through how to make and apply different styles of collars as well as the tooling necessary.

Presentation fulfils the CBA and ABANA level IIa curriculum requirements.

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