To register after Sept 27 e-mail secretary@calsmith.org. Be sure to mention how many are coming.

Octoberfest 2022 is on!
Join Us for the 41st year of the one and only ….
Fritz’s Octoberfest
Join us for a beautiful weekend of camping and blacksmithing on the Sonoma coast.
Featuring Seth Gould, Logan Hirsh, and friends in the teaching tent.
Food is provided by our great chef Tim Schmidt.
DATE: Sept 30 - October 2, 2022 Register Online
LOCATION: Fritz Hagist's ranch - 34895 Kruse Ranch Road, Cazadero CA
MAP: octoberfest2022_map.pdf
CONTACT: Dave Nourot 707/745-1133
You must be a CBA member to attend. Conference limited to the first 150 registrants SIGN UP EARLY or risk missing out!
REGISTER BY MAIL: Make check payable to CBA.
CBA Secretary Craig Litwin
200 Nelson Way #5
Sebastopol, CA 95472-3666
Tickets before Sept 19th
CBA Members $200
Additional Family Members $120
Tickets after Sept 19th
CBA Members $230
Additional Family Members $150
* Due to capacity limits and cost increases for food, etc, the Octoberfest price has gone up since the last event in 2019 (as all things have.) Keeping in mind that this is "room & board" for 3 days - we feel this is fair and realistic, and we hope you feel the same.
SET UP: Arrive on Friday. Site Opens Friday. Arrive before dark – difficult to find in the dark/fog
AUCTION & IRON IN THE HAT RAFFLE: Please bring items of value for these fun fundraisers.
MEALS: Friday lunch through Sunday lunch. State the number of children attending on your registration form.
PROGRAM: Friday dinner and evening slide show presentation. Friday night open forges till.... Gallery, tailgating, demos go all day Saturday and Sunday morning. Open forging BETWEEN workshops. Saturday evening auction and Iron In The Hat.
COURTESY & SAFETY. ABSOLUTELY NO DOGS ALLOWED. DRIVE SLOWLY once you get off SR 1. This event has a big impact on this rural neighborhood which extends for several miles. PLEASE be courteous, especially when driving through Plantation Camp on Kruse Ranch Road. Keep road dust to a minimum, and watch for animals and people. CHILDREN MUST BE SUPERVISED AT ALL TIMES. HIGH GRASS FIRE DANGER. Be cautious. Bring safety glasses and hand tools. This is a CO-OP event. Everyone makes it happen, so plan to participate.
LODGING: Camping is available on site for tents and small RVs (but no hook-ups). Hot showers are available. Prepare for all weather – hot, cold, fog, rain, sun.
These hotels are fairly close along Hwy 1.
Fort Ross Lodge, 707 847 3333
Timber Cove Inn, 707 847 3231
Salt Point Lodge, 707 847 3234
ABOVE all in Timbercove, near Fritz's shop
Gualala Country Inn 707 884 4343 (Gualala)
Surf Inn 707 884 3571 (Gualala)
ROADS TO OKTOBERFEST: Head for Plantation. From Hwy 101 take River Road/Guerneville exit in Santa Rosa. Follow the signs to Guerneville and Jenner (Hwy 116). At Hwy 1 head north to Meyers Grade (RECOMMENDED IF YOU HAVE A BIG RIG OR TRAILER). At about 5 miles, Meyers Grade merges into Seaview Road. Fourteen miles later, turn left on Kruse Ranch Road. Follow the anvil signs one- anda-half miles to Fritz’s driveway on the right.

(508) 680-6283
Seth Gould is a metalsmith and tool maker who creates and ornaments utilitarian objects that range from simple tools to highly embellished locks. His work, which is strongly influenced by historic metalsmithing design and technique, typically begins in a coal forge and is finished at the bench with a file in hand. For the more elaborate pieces, ornamentation is added with hammer and chisel through the process of inlay, overlay, and engraving.

In 2009 Seth graduated from Maine College of Art with a BFA in Metalsmithing and Jewelry Design. In the following years, his work and studio practice was shaped by his experiences working in the metalsmithing field, his time as a Core Fellow at the Penland School of Craft, and opportunities to view European and Japanese metalwork on multiple long-term trips abroad. Seth has exhibited work in Germany, Japan, and across the United States. He has taught, demonstrated, and lectured at institutions including Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, the Center for Metal Arts, Southern Illinois Metalsmithing Society, and the Society of North American Goldsmiths. His work can be seen in the collections of the Renwick Gallery, The Mint Museum, the National Ornamental Metal Museum, and the Arkansas Art Center. After completing his three-year Penland residency in 2018 Seth moved to Bakersville, NC with his wife and son where he works full time in his studio.

While I think it’s important for smiths to be familiar with traditional practices, I think it is also important to keep a personal style active in every creation. This helps develop a Smith with a style versus a Smith being known for a process.
This in turn keeps the Smith and the blacksmithing community contemporary, providing a secure foundation for every educational experience. Get ready for a weekend of hard work!