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Blacksmithing-Beginning to Advanced

  • April 07, 2018
  • May 12, 2018
  • Costa Mesa, California
Blacksmithing - Beginning to Advanced

DATE: April 7 - May 12

LOCATION: Skill Center 101 at Orange Cost College

Joy Fire

FEE:  $325, includes $25 material fee

REGISTRATION: open now at (class will be under “Arts and Entertainment” and then “Visual Arts”), or call 714/432-5880, option 1.

CONTACT: Joy at with any questions 

The skill of the blacksmith used to be a necessity for survival. Now however, it can become a necessity of a different kind. In this class students will learn to think with their hands and utilize their brains in a different way than is typical in modern society. This class will show how forging can become a necessity for the mind and body. There are many different ways to work with metal, but blacksmithing is traditionally the one most concerned with solving odd problems, problems of form, function, and fabrication. Students will be given the opportunity to solve these problems though assigned projects, which can be altered to suit individual needs and creative styles. Learn the basics of forging or build on current skills. No previous experience is required, and all tools and materials will be supplied though it is recommended to bring your own as you advance.


California Blacksmith Association

5505 Santa Cruz Ave.

Richmond, CA  94804

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