Spring Conference 2018
LOCATION: Eldorado County Fairgrounds, Placerville, CA
DATE: April 12-14, 2017
CONFERENCE MAP: CBA_Placerville_Event_Map_v3
Before March 22
After March 22
Full Conference
$165 |
$180 |
Single Day
$70 |
$80 |
Saturday Banquet Dinner Ticket
$25 |
$30 |
Banquet Dinner for Children 12 and under
$12.50 |
$15 |

SCHEDULE: Conference_Schedule.pdf
ONLINE REGISTRATION: Will open in early January 2018.
ACCOMMODATIONS: HOTEL: Best Western Plus Placerville Inn 530/622-9100 6850 Green Leaf Dr Placerville, 95667. There is a block of rooms reserved, state that you are with CBA.
CAMPING AT THE FAIRGROUNDS: fair@eldoradocountyfair.org
530-621-5860 Tent $15/day, RV/Trailers $35/day
BROCHURE: Spring Conference 2018
DEMONSTRATORS: Zeevik Gottlieb from Israel, Lynda Metcalfe from North Carolina, Darryl Nelson, Ellen Durkan, Haley Woodword, Colby Brinkman, David Lisch, Paul Boulay and Mark Aspery.
On the schedule are small forging contests like cube forging, what can you make out of a rail road spike, knife forging and others. Slide shows, lectures, photo class with Paul Boulay, gallery party and lots of forging action fun.
But wait there is more…. Paul Boulay has designed a Wearable Metal Art Contest. Each team will be assigned a manikin and box of material to forge up items to put on your manikin. This will be a fun, fun contest. Join in!!
Zeevik Gottlieb
The comparison between Gottlieb, the artist, and the material in his hands is immediate. Gottlieb evokes the image of the rough and tough Israeli ‘tsabar’, like the iron - a man of earth and solid base, an artist who works with his hands. His world view is that nothing is too difficult - anything can be softened, forged. Gottlieb describes the sound of the hammer hitting the anvil as diving into silence. At 1200 degrees, the eternal material is made to soften and acquiesce to his ideas. Inspired in technique and design approach by master forgers Uri Hofi of Israel and Claudio Bottero of Italy, Gottlieb has been teaching and demonstrating in his atelier in Israel, as well as Europe, the USA and Canada, since 2004.
Colby Brinkman & Haley Woodward
Colby and Haley, along with a team of strikers, will be freaking out on some non-ferrous metals. They’ll be combining their passion of the abyss and getting all Ernst Haeckel on some deep sea forms.
Colby has travelled extensively studying under master blacksmiths and metalsmiths throughout North America and Europe. Currently, he owns and operates Metal Mantis, a custom architectural and sculptural metal shop in Austin, Texas. He is an adjunct professor at Austin Community College teaching a metal layout and fabrication class.
Haley Woodward started Working with metal in 1998, wile attending Guilford College in Greensboro, North Carolina. He is currently professor at Austin Community College, in Austin Texas, teaching blacksmithing, while also maintaining his own studio practice, focusing on sculptural forged work and residential iron work.
Ellen Durkan
I grew up in Wilmington Delaware, went to undergrad for art and then continued on to get my MFA in sculpture. I got into forging from the decorative and design sides of
things instead of the functional and utilitarian option. My current “wearable series” started as stationary dress cages with complete with shoes; I would place nude women in them as a performance, and then remove them in front of the crowd. This has guided me to my current growing performance runway like series: Forged Fashion.
Lynda Metcalfe
I have been making a living with my metalwork in the US for the last 15 years. I mostly do custom forged ironwork but I also try and fit in some time to make mokume and produce some jewelry every year. I'm originally from Southampton in England and I did my undergraduate degree over there, studying 3D Design (Metals) and was lucky enough to be an exchange student for a semester at SIU in Carbondale, IL in 1991. feel like I have half a math brain and half an art brain and I enjoy spacial thinking and problem solving so structural stuff always appeals to me and because of that I have enjoyed taking on custom architectural work.
David Lisch
David Lisch is an award winning knife maker and a respected innovator of unique guard designs and Damascus steel that can be seen in his beautiful knives. His Damascus steel shows patterns that are clean and controlled. His knives push the knife making boundaries, and you can see the influence of his years forging in every knife he makes. As well as being a blade smith, David has run a successful blacksmith business for 25 years and teaches at his school, Oak Grove Forging Facility in Yelm WA. David achieved a Master Smith rating from the American Bladesmith Society (ABS)in 2015 and is the 6th Master Smith in the state of Washington.
Paul Boulay - Photography Seminar
The objective is to enable individual artists to make photographs that can be used in portfolios, on the web and in publications. The lecture will cover both the necessary technical aspects but also composition and choosing backgrounds and lighting. I will include tips on getting good results with DIY accessories. During the demo attendees will be able to look over my shoulder as I talk through taking photos of selected gallery items including the setup, lighting, image capture and post processing steps. The camera and the computer screens will be projected.
Wearable Art Contest
To Sign Up: Sign up to participate as a team, an individual looking to join a team or a solo contestant - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7CGW2K7
Contest Rules: Spring Conference 2018 Warable Art Contest Rules
In 2013 we made projects that worked with rocks. This time we have a more provocative (ahem) inspiration. What will your team build? A crown, head dress, a mask, a helmet? How about shoulder pads with spikes or flowers. It is up to you. Get thinking.
1-2 hour evening contests
Grab your friend and gear up to have some fun with a few small evening contest from 7-9 pm in the education area site 1.
1. Cube contest: Well seasoned Smith's will be paired up with less experienced Smith. Together as smith and striker they will forge a 1"x 1"x 4" bar into a cube.
2. RR Spike: What can you forge out of a railroad spike in 45 min. Bottle openers, knifes, tomahawk, door knocker, hooks, door pulls, you name it!! You can use up to two spikes.
3. David Lisch eagle eye contest: David will have a knife in a box and each contestant views the knife for 10 seconds and tries to copy the size, shape. You have 45 min for this contest. Winner will be the closest to David’s blade.
Wind Chime Contest
NOTE - make your wind chime before the conference. There will only be limited opportunities for open forges during the event.
Sponsored by Linda and Denis Murphy, and also Michelle Frazer, this exciting contest allows you to create the coolest wind chime and show it off at Spring Conference. Bring your entries to the Gallery by 10 a.m. Friday. Closing time for people’s choice ballots is 3 p.m. on Saturday. Entries will be auctioned off at the Hard Rock Hammer-In in June.
MORE INFO: windchime_contest.pdf
Mark Aspery & Darryl Nelson - half-day classes

Focusing on – Punching and drifting, Hand-tool making and heat treatment (chisels, punches and drifts etc.), Forge welding basics and tong making.
We’ll have a limited supply of tongs and hammers – but please bring your own if you have them available. You will need your own personal safety equipment to participate – glasses, ear protection, natural fiber clothing and sturdy footwear.
Tongs for:
½-inch, square and round stock (V-bit jaws are fine)
¾-inch square and round stock (V-bit jaws are fine)