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DATE: August 18-20, 2017
LOCATION: 5401 Graham Hill Road, Felton CA
CONTACT: Frank Golding 831-566-4170
Ellen Durkan - Wearable Art - www.ellendurkan.com Mike Wood - Sculpture - www.mwmetalsmith.com Kirk McNeil - Soapstone Holder - www.freedom-forge.com Russell Jones - Letter Opener with Dragon's Head - www.santacruzgates.com Mark Kochan - Teaching Tent Chairman is Frank Golding.
Full Hammer-In - $110 (includes parking) Single Day - $65 (includes parking) Saturday Night Dinner - $25 ACCOMMODATIONS: Free tent camping available during the Hammer-In.
FLYER: For meals, accomodations and directions check out the flyer RoaringCampHammerIn.pdf
This is a hands-on workshop, for CBA Members only, of all levels. Bring forge, anvil, and/or tools, if you like. We will have several forging stations available. Safety classes and hearing protection are required. Prepare for warm weather!
California Blacksmith Association
5505 Santa Cruz Ave.
Richmond, CA 94804
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