Weaverville Hammer-In
DATE: March 19-21, 2015
REGISTRATION FEE: $50. Saturday Evening steak dinner and auction included with the registration fee. Additional meals $20
LOCATION: Jake Jackson Museum, 730 Main St Weaverville Ca . Take hwy 299 west from Redding or east from Eureka.
WHAT TO BRING: This is a hands on work shop. Bring forge, anvil and tools if you like but we have several available to use. Safety glasses are a must as well as hearing protection.
John Barron - Handrail design and construction
Ian Brooks - Flypress techniques and tooling
John Emmerling - Power hammer safety and flat die drawing
Tom Laman and George Dunajski - Chasing and repousse with pitch pot
Dusek, Coyne and Limb - Group project and team work.
Mike Hricziscse - Power hammer projects
Mark Aspery - Tooling
ACCOMMODATIONS: Dry camp parking for RV trailers available near museum http://trinitymuseum.org/
Pot luck meals. Please bring something if possible. Contact Patsy Medin if you can help with a dish at 530-623-2742.
TO REGISTER: Contact Bill Bradford at 530-623-6598 or Rod Plew at 530-623-3536.